Favorite Reports

Any report in Gym Insight can be marked as a FavoriteNot only does this create a bookmark to quickly return to that specific report, but it also saves the options that you set for that report, and even let's you control how date ranges are applied to your favorited reports. Let's dive in and see how it works.

Creating a Favorite Report

Of course, the first step is navigating to the report of your choice from the Reports MenuFrom there, you can set any options you want, such as choosing tags or other filters to apply to the report.

Once you have the report configured the way that you like, click the Heart or Favorite button at the bottom of the report.

This will produce a dialog box for you to save your favorite.

For all favorite reports, you'll need to give the favorite a name.  This should be something that makes sense to you, depending on which report you selected and which options you choose.

If the report supports date ranges, i.e. a start and end date, you get a few additional options to choose from.

Clear start/end dates

Remove the current dates, and let the system default them instead.  This will cause the favorited report to behave the same way it does when clicking on the report normally from the report menu.  Depending on the report, the system sets the date range to what makes the most sense.

Keep the dates as-is

Keep the exact dates you've set, so they don't ever change.  An example of why you might want this option could be for an event that starts and stops on arbitrary dates, and you want to check the report every day during the event and see only data that has occurred during that event.

Use a custom interval

Select from one the available date intervals, and we'll calculate the date range automatically.  This is helpful for a report that has a default date range that is not what you want.  For example, one report might default to showing you the past week of data, but you'd like it to always show the data as month-to-date instead. There are many different date range intervals to choose from.

Viewing your Favorite Report

Once you've created your favorites, you can view them on the Favorite Reports section of your reports.

Favorite Reports Dashlet

We've also provided a dashlet for your Dashboard to be able to quick access your favorite reports from there as well!  The dashlet only shows up to 6 favorite reports, so be sure to re-order them from the Reports Menu to ensure the reports you want included are on the dashlet.

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