Using Mailchimp Merge Tags with Gym Insight
Gym Insight allows you to easily create and send dynamic content to your members with Merge Tags.
With audience merge tags, you can specifically address each of your members within a single communication, as well as control which groups of your members receive what emails.
When using Gym Insight with MailChimp, the following merge fields are created:
- ACCOUNT_NO - the account number
- STATUS - account status: green, yellow, red, canceled, collections
- BIRTHDATE - primary member's birthdate
- V_PAST_MO - total number of visits to the gym in the past month
- V_PAST_QTR - total number of visits to the gym in the past quarter
- V_PAST_YR - total number of visits to the gym in the past year
This allows you to send a special message that automatically tailors to each of your members based on the information and status found in their accounts.
This will also allow you to send emails to certain groups of members based on tags that are associated with their accounts.