When to Move, Merge, and Clone Members

Understanding Member Management Actions - Move, Merge, and Clone

In Gym Insight, you have the ability to perform several important member management actions: Move Members, Merge Members, and Clone Members. These actions serve distinct purposes, and it's essential to understand the differences between them to use our platform effectively. This article will clarify each of these functions for you.

Moving a Member

Moving a member involves transferring a member from one account to another. To move a member, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the Member:
    • Go to the Member screen.
    • Search for the member you want to move and select them.

      Select "Move":

    • At the top of the Member screen, click on the "Move" option.

      Choose the Destination Account:

    • Navigate to the Move Member screen.
    • Search for the account where you want to move the member and select it.

      Confirm the Transfer:

    • Review the details and click the "Confirm Move" or similar button.

A note will be added to the moved member's account, indicating who performed the move.

Merging a Member

Merging a member involves combining one member account with another. This is useful when a member has created a guest account and you need to merge it with their existing member account. Here's what you should know about merging:


  • Both member accounts must belong to the same location.
  • The member account being merged will be deleted.
  • If the member being merged was the last remaining member on the account, then the account will also be deleted.

Details Merged:

  • Profile Picture
  • Add-on Services
  • Member App Login
  • Keys
  • Key Usage History
  • Class reservations
  • Contact Details
  • Member Notes

How to Merge Members:

  1. Go to the account you want to merge, typically a guest account created for an existing member.
  2. Locate the guest account (in this example, let's call the member "Pete").
  3. Click on "View Member."
  4. Click "Merge."
  5. Search for the member account you want to merge with (in this case, Pete's existing account) and select it.
  6. Ensure that the accounts are correctly marked as "red" (the one being merged) and "green" (the one receiving the merge).
  7. Click "Merge" to confirm.
  8. Review and click "OK."

A note will be added automatically to the merged member account, indicating who performed the merge.

Cloning a Member

Cloning a member involves creating a copy of their account at another location. Here's what you should know about cloning:


  • The employee performing the clone must have user access to more than one location.
  • Most account details are copied, but location-specific information is not.

Details Cloned:

  • Billing information (type, dues, status, billing dates)
  • Default Payment Method (credit card number, ACH, etc.)
  • Contact Details (phone numbers, email address, home address)
  • Members (only the member's name, photo, and contact details)

Details Not Cloned:

  • Transaction History
  • Agreements and other account files
  • Add-on Services (e.g., personal training)
  • Account Notes

How to Clone Members:

  1. Go to the member's account.
  2. Search for the member's account if needed.
  3. Click on the member's name.
  4. Click "View Account."
  5. Click "Clone to Location" under the member's profile picture.
  6. Choose the destination location to clone the account to.
  7. Click "Clone Account."

A note will be added automatically, indicating that the account has been cloned to the chosen location.


Understanding the differences between Move Members, Merge Members, and Clone Members is crucial for effective member management within our platform. Each action serves a unique purpose and comes with specific requirements and consequences. If you have any questions or need further assistance with any of these member management actions, please don't hesitate to contact our support team. We're here to help!

Please Note: This article focuses on Move Members, Merge Members, and Clone Members. If you have any additional questions or need help with other features, explore our Knowledge Base further or contact our support team for prompt assistance.

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