Using Calendar Filters

How To Use Calendar Filters

Calendar filters allow you to display only select events on your calendar.  This article provides an overview of calendar filters to help you get started.

Filter categories

There are two categories of filters you can apply:

  • Type- Examples of event types include Appointments, Classes, and Personal Training sessions (coming soon). 
  • Assigned- The Assigned filter allows you to filter based on the Insight account associated with the event (e.g. a specific trainer)
Accessing the calendar

To access your calendar, simply login to Insight and click the Calendar Icon on the left side of the screen.

Example 1: Filter based on type of calendar event

You can use the Type filter to display only events of a certain type. To use the Type filter, simply click the Type button on the upper left of the calendar.

Then, select the types of events you want to view and click OK

With the filter applied, now you only see calendar events with the Type you selected . 

If you want to clear a filter, simply click the X next to it.

Example 2: Filter based on Assigned

Filtering based on Assigned is similar to filtering based on Type. To filter based on Assigned, simply click the Assigned button in the upper left of the calendar, select the assignee(s) and click OK.

Example 3: Combining filters

Combining filters is simple. All you need to do is select the type and then select who it was assigned to. 

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