How to Freeze an Account

As a gym owner, you may need to freeze or unfreeze a member's account for various reasons such as the member going on vacation, illness, or any other personal reason. Gym Insight provides an easy way for gym owners to manage member accounts, including freezing and unfreezing them. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you do it:

Freezing a Member's Account:

Step 1: Search for the member whose account you want to freeze and click on their name.

Step 2: On the Overview tab of the member's account page, click on the "Freeze" button.

Step 3: Choose the start date and duration for the freeze period.

Step 4: Add any notes or comments related to the freeze in the Reason field.

Step 5: Click on the "Freeze" button to apply the freeze to the member's account.

Note: When you unfreeze a member's account, their billing cycle will resume, and they will be charged accordingly. It is recommended to inform the member of the unfreeze and the date their billing will resume. The system will automatically calculate the amount to prorate this member if returning before the freeze is complete. You can always change the amount to zero if you do not wish to prorate the account.

In conclusion, Gym Insight provides an easy way for gym owners to manage member accounts, including freezing and unfreezing them. Following these simple steps, you can freeze or unfreeze a member's account quickly and efficiently.

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