Uncancel a Member

Was a member canceled on accident? Maybe their account was canceled in the past and now they are ready to come back to your gym. Whatever the reason, you need to uncancel a member. This article will walk you through it!

There are 2 ways of finding the canceled member’s account.

First way is to search for them by name in the Global Search at the top.

Make sure you have ALSO SHOW CANCELLED ACCOUNTS option checked.

Click here if you need help using our Advanced Search. https://help.gyminsight.com/article/155-new-advanced-search

You can also look at your members list. 

At the bottom of the Advanced Search screen, click “member list”.

Then click the Edit pencil and select CANCELLED from the Status Option.

Find the account that you need to uncancel and click on it. 

Once you have found the account you need to uncancel, click on it. 

Now you are in the canceled member’s account and are ready to uncancel it.

Click on the green “uncancel account” button.

A details screen will pop-up showing you the members on the account, the date the account was canceled, and the date of the next payment. 

If there are more than one member on the account, you have the option to uncancel all members or just one. Just simply click the box next to the names of the members that need to be uncanceled. You can also change the next payment date if needed.

When you are ready, click the blue “uncancel account” button.

Now you can see the member is active again. 

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