Step 3: Choose and Edit Your Theme

Before Choosing and Editing Your Theme, we recommend that you complete Creating a Membership. Click here to learn how to create a membership.
After you choose your theme, you can move on to Step 4: Logging on to Sales Guru.
To see all the steps to using Sales Guru, click here.

Go to your Home menu and select "applications".

Now, you will see your Sales Guru applications screen. 

Scroll to the bottom to see the theme options.

The theme that you already have selected will be highlighted in green.

From here you can select a new theme or you can edit your current theme. 

To edit the themes, just click on the theme you want to use and choose the options that fit your style!

On the right of the screen, you will see the theme preview.

On the left of the screen, you have the option to choose "Use Large Description". 

Clicking on this option changes how your memberships will be displayed on the screen. 

Take a look at the difference here!

You can choose what colors you want the theme to use. Customize the colors to match the colors your gym and logo! 

You can also upload a picture to use as the background of the display. Just click "Set Background Image" and upload a photo you have saved. Use a picture of your gym if you'd like!

Once you are happy with what you have, click the green "apply" button.

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