Setting Up Digital Keytags

For front desk check-ins you will need:

  • Any approved QR code-reading barcode scanner.
  • USB scanner cable (if applicable).
  • Front desk check-in computer with Windows and the latest version of Insight Access installed. 

For 24-hour access door controller systems you will need:

  • An approved all-weather, panel-mounting, QR code-reading barcode scanner (please contact us to pre-order now! Professional installation required). 
  • A door controller (please contact us to order; professional installation required).
  • A check-in computer with Windows and the latest update of Insight Access installed. 


1. Contact us to turn on Digital Keytags for your location by emailing us at [email protected] or by sending us feedback. 

2.  Download the latest version of Insight Access and set up your access controller. 

Here are the steps for setting up Insight Access and access controllers

  • First, set up Insight Access. 
  • If you have any previous versions of Insight Access installed, Uninstall it first. 
  • Select your location, then click Applications

    Select Insight Access

  • Under available applications, find Insight Access and click download

  • Download setup.exe to your Desktop.
  • Open setup.exe. 

  • Windows will automatically try to verify all software, so, in the window that pops up, click More info

  • Then click Run anyway

  • Click Install. Insight Access will install and automatically save a shortcut to your desktop. 

  • Windows will again try to verify the software, so again, in the window that pops up, click More info then click Run anyway as shown above. 
  • Go to Help > About Insight Access (or click the About icon). 
  • This About window will tell you which version of Insight Access you have, so make sure it's updated.

  • Now, set up your scanner. 
    • To set up your Front Desk check-in scanner: 
      • Go to Settings > Add Access Controller
      • Click New Device
      • Ensure scanner is plugged in. (Note: This configuration will be specific to the USB port being used.)
      • Select Serial Reader (note: this option is not for door controllers).
      • Click Test. (Note: The name of the Key card port, e.g., COM5, COM6, is specific to each USB port, so plugging the scanner into different USB ports may cause it to not be recognized.) 

      • You may test scanning digital keytags and barcodes and numbers will show up. 

      • Choose a Door name (Front Desk) and Door Type (Front Desk). Ensure Key type is Barcode.

      • Click Save. 
    • To set up your Door Controller scanner:
      • Go to Settings > Add Access Controller. 
      • Click New Device. 
      • Select Serial Device Server. 
      • Enter the IP address of the door controller. (For more on this, see How Do I Find My IP Settings?)

      • You may test scanning digital keytags and barcodes. 

      • Enter a name for your door (Member Door) and Door type.  

      • Click Save. 

3. Enable Digital Keytags in Members App. 

  • Select your location, then click Applications. 

  • Select Members App. 

  • Under Settings, click Enable Digital Keytags. 

That's it!

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