Creating a Discounted Membership

Many gyms like to offer discounted memberships for various reasons, such as a Military or student discount or even a corporate rate for a large company that you are partnering with. Here is the easiest way to create these memberships and still offer them as Sales Guru sign ups or Online sign ups.

See this Article to Create a Membership.

Be aware, once you have your membership in Sales Guru, you will not be able to add or remove any costs during the sign up process. So, be sure to have your discounted membership as an option in Sales Guru.

The name that you give the membership will also create a tag with that same name to add to each account that signs up for that membership.

Remember: You may not want to offer this as an online sign up as you cannot verify their eligibility for this discount. You could offer it as a Shareable Link. This way you can send the member the link for online sign up once you have verified their discount eligibility status.

From  your dashboard, click on your HOME menu. Click on “Memberships” in the drop down menu.

Now you are on the “Memberships Offered By Your Location” screen.

Click the Blue Plus Circle on the bottom right corner to start a new membership.

Memberships created here are the memberships that will be offered on your gym insight account creation, your website sign ups and your Sales Guru.

  • OPTIONS: Determines where this membership will be displayed. Do you want it only shown on your website? Maybe you want this membership to show only on your Sales Guru. You can simply select each box to have it shown on any of the available options!

Now, your membership is listed on the “Memberships" page. 

To share an individual membership signup link, navigate to the three dots on the upper-left > select Get Link from the drop down.

For the entire link for all memberships you offer, go to HOME > Applications > Website Signups. Click on the link icon!

Happy Selling!!

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