Navigating Gym Insight

Let's take a look at how to get around Gym Insight.


This is your dashboard. This is where you can see financial and sales information about your gym at a glance.

Left Bar

This is the left bar. It has all the buttons you need to access members’ accounts, class schedules, and much more!


This button will take you to your dashboard. You can click it to take you back to your dashboard when you are working in another area of your account.


When you click this button, you will be able to search for members and their accounts.

Personal Training Clients

Trainers will be able to see a list of their clients.


This is where you can see and create classes or appointments.

Messages & Tasks

You can manage member replies and create tasks for your employees.

Latest Check-In

Clicking this button will show you the account of the last member to check in to your gym.

Help Menu

You can use the Help Menu for additional support.

User Menu

This menu gives you access to view your commissions or update your personal settings.

Top Bar

The top bar is where you can search for members, update settings, and view notifications.


The title tells you where you are.

Global Search Bar

You can search for members, reports, or help articles.

Home Menu

You will be able to access multiple locations, personal settings, Sales Guru, employee groups, messages, and reports.


The bell shows you software notifications, system messages, and message replies.


When you click on the door button, it will show you a list of members that have checked in to your gym.

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