How to Stop a Pending Cancel on an Account

You may have an account about to cancel that you need to stop.
This could apply when you have a member with a prepaid account, and they would like to pay again to extend their membership. You will need to stop their cancellation in order to extend their end date or change their method of billing.
Keep in mind, you can only stop the cancellation if it is before the end date in the system. 
Let’s take a look at an account.

This member prepaid and the end date entered on their account is 3/3/2023.

The member’s account is pending cancellation and will be cancelled on 3/3/2023. 

You can see the red bar at the top of the account notifying you that this account will be automatically cancelled on 3/3/2023.  Also note the green “PENDING CANCEL” flag on the account. 

Now this member would like to pre-pay again and you need to extend the end date. 

You do not want this account to be cancelled on 3/3/2023. You want to keep this account active.

You will need to stop the pending cancellation from happening. 

You can click the “X” on the green “PENDING CANCEL” flag on the member’s account, OR you can click the red "UNCANCEL" within the red bar at the top of the screen.

Then, click “EDIT” and adjust the date to the new end date you would like. 

After that, scroll down and click the green “SAVE” button. 

Now you can see the account has a new end date and is no longer pending cancellation.

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