Update Past Dues
You may have to update charges on a member's past-due account. Perhaps they lost their credit card, their credit card was stolen, or maybe their method of payment has declined.
Whatever the reason, the account has past due charges and the member is ready to pay those back dues.
Scroll down to the account statement on the member’s account screen.
Click the green add sale button.
Choose how you would like to collect this payment.
- The customer already paid
- Charge the credit card or ACH on file
- Charge a new credit card or ACH account
- Add to Balance (to be charged at next auto-billing)
Under “Payment For"
- Click the drop-down menu and select “Membership Dues”.
Enter the account balance that is due.
- In the description, type your own note, Past Due Balance, Back Dues...
Make sure you have the “Update Account Balance” box checked!
- If it is not checked, the member will be charged, but their account will not be updated to show a $0 balance.
Click Charge Account
The system will charge the card and you will see a “Transaction Details” pop-up.
Click back to the account and you can confirm on the member’s account statement that the balance is now up to date.
Here is a link to a video tutorial showing how to update past dues and much more! Common Customer Service Tasks