Declined Payment on a Website Sign Up
Maybe you have noticed accounts that are created through web sign ups even when the payment is declined.
That is correct! This will help you capture that membership. Maybe the member typed their payment information in incorrectly and the payment was declined. Now you have an accounting record of that transaction and the member who wanted to join your club. You can contact that member directly and complete the membership with them.
And don't worry, the member has NOT received a digital key tag upon a declined down payment. You will see the account has no key tag assigned. Once you have contacted that member, you can take the payment and add the key tag. That membership has now been saved! Often times people will quit trying if they are struggling with the sign up process. This allows you to help this member and keep that membership!
You will receive a notification of this account being created in a few different ways:
- On your Dashboard in New Accounts
- In your tasks you will see a Down Payment Not Collected task
- You will receive a Failed Sign Up notification if you have subscribed to the emails for website sign ups.
See these help articles: