Moving an Account to Collections

You may be presented with an account that has to be moved to collections. This is easily done with Gym Insight!

First, search for the account that you need to move to collections. Once inside the account, click on the red "COLLECTIONS" button.

Next, you will enter the collection fee and the reason for the account moving to collections. Then, click the red "MOVE TO COLLECTIONS" button.

Now you will see that a message has popped up on your member’s account, reminding you to complete the collections paperwork.

Click on the red "COMPLETE TASK" button.

A pop-up form will appear that you will need to complete. Here, you will enter the action taken such as email, phone call, or spoke to the member in person. You will also enter the resolution as to what happened when you contacted the member. Lastly, there is an area to enter a note regarding the action taken. You also have the option to complete the paperwork by sending a message to the member. Once you’ve entered all the necessary information, click "SAVE."

You can see that the account has been moved to collections.

Take Account Out of Collections

When you are ready to take the account out of collections, just click the green "UNCANCEL" button on the member’s account. 

Make sure you have the correct member's name, select which members on the account to reactivate, and update the next payment date if needed. Then, click the green "UNCANCEL" button.

That's it! You can see the member's account has been reactivated.

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